Outback Graves Markers

Lucretia Marion (MOORE) HOLMES

Burial Location:Comet Vale  (details...)
Occupation: Housewife
Place of Death: Railway Cottages, Comet Vale
Date of Death: 23 November 1914
Date of Burial:24 November 1914
Age:37 years
Cause of Death:Acute Dysentery, Chronic Pneumonia
OGM Ref#: 1321
Headstone:OGM Aluminium


Mrs Holmes suffered dysentery supervening on chronic pneumonia after a premature confinement, coupled with exhaustion. The child, Edith Rebecca, died 4 days after the mother's death.  She was aged 13 days and is featured in this website.

The death of Mrs Holmes was certified in writing by Ernest Holmes, husband, Comet Vale. Witnesses to the burial were E.C. Chambers and N. Devereux.

The deceased spent 20 years in Victoria before moving to Western Australia.

Parents:Mary Ann (nee WATSON) and Arthur MOORE (Wine Merchant)
Spouse:Ernest HOLMES
Marriage Details:1901, Perth; Marriage Registration 1425/1901, Perth
Children:Ernest Clive born 1903, Subiaco (Birth Registration 5750/1903, Subiaco); Albert Edward, born Broad Arrow 1906 (Birth Registration 5/1906, Broad Arrow); Richard William, born 1909 Subiaco (Birth Registration 64/1909, Subiaco); Edith Rebecca, aged 9 days, born Comet Vale, 1914 (Birth Registration 39/1914, N.Coolgardie)
Birth Details:Melbourne
Death Certificate:15/1914, N. Coolgardie

Relatives click name for details: