Outback Graves Markers

Richard DOWLING (more)

Cause of Death: Died of Thirst

The driver of the coach between Farina and Innamincka, reported to Constable Dowling, who was stationed at Farina, that a man was lying dead about half a mile from the "Soakage," which is 150 miles from Farina. Upon investigation, and from letters found, it was believed the man to be Richard Dowling, and that he had a wife in New South Wales. It is believed he died about January 25, having left Blanchewater with another man on the 23rd. Their water-bag becoming exhausted, they struck the Strzelecki and drank the salt water there, which doubtless hastened Dowling's death. His mate managed to stagger to an Aboriginal camp at the "Soakage" and was supplied with water. Some of the natives went back and found Dowling dead. They carried the survivor seven miles to Monte Collina woolshed, where the matter was reported.

William Lucas GARRETT (more)

Cause of Death: Perished from sunstroke

The deceased was travelling from Beltana to Innamincka and died on the road apparently from sunstroke. The body was found by Edward Campbell and Thomas Fowler, at Gumbuncha (Police Mortuary Report: Reported 12th April 1880).

William George HUGHES (more)

Cause of Death: Perished

Mr Hughes perished in September 1921. He went missing from a stock camp in the district. Following two searches for over a hundred miles down the Strzlecki Track by Mounted Constable Peter Victory, the search was abandoned after one month. A returned soldier, Hughes had gone cattle droving at the end of 1921 and disappeared from the camp. He had not been heard of since. Hughes had been in receipt of a military pension, which had been stopped. An appeal was made on behalf of Joseph Henry Reading, an Executor to the Will, that the Court should direct that William George Hughes had died on or about 6 October 1921. Affidavits produced showed that Hughes' tracks had been followed, that he was evidently in search of water, and that his horses had been lost. The application to swear death was granted.

William KEENAN (more)

Cause of Death: Heart Attack

The deceased died about 1916 while in transit from Innamincka to seek medical help at Farina. Death was confirmed and the burial overseen by a Mr Bailey ( a Government Inspector of Wells and Bores as well as being a Justice of the Peace).