The deceased was electrocuted after accidentally touching a guy rope holding a power pole which had become live. At the inquest into the accident, Dr. J. McAuliffe stated in evidence that at about 9.30 a.m. on the day in question, he was called to the recreation ground in front of the mine boarding house, where he found Creane in an unconscious condition. First aid was rendered and the patient was taken to hospital. Artificial respiration was continued and stimulants were applied, but the deceased man failed to respond to this treatment. In response to a question at the inquest, it was stated that it was not known that the wire was "alive" but several people had heard that children had received tingling sensations from nearby water. The coroner's finding was that Walter Creane came by his death at Reedy on February 2nd, 1942, through shock caused by coming into contact with a steel guy rope attached to an electric wire pole, which guy rope, owing to prevailing weather conditions, was charged with electricity, and electrocuted the deceased, no blame being attachable to anyone. The deceased had farmed unsuccessfully at Bonnie Rock with his brother Laurence and was also a miner at Southern Cross and Youanmi in 1941.
There is no evidence remaining today of the grave of this little person.