The child was one of two little girls memorialised at the home of her father at "Bouninup", Wagin, along with her sister, Maud Florance, who was stillborn on 31 December that same year.
The child's parents were married on 28 May 1905 and their other children were: Francis Malcolm, Birth Reg. No. 32/1906; Hubert James, Birth Reg.No. 147/1907; Edna Catherine, Birth Reg.No. 53/ 1917; Vernon Travers Birth Reg.No.30/1920; William Steward, Birth Reg.No.280/ 1921; Thelma Joy, Birth Reg.No.100/1924.
On 13 October 1894, John Thomas Brandon Knowles was charged with wounding Noore Mahomet and killing his brother, Jehan (John) Mahomet, at Point Malcolm, near Afghan Rocks, 15 miles west of Balladonia Station homestead.
There were 108 camels and 17 Afghans in the caravan which stopped at Afghan Rocks. It was led by Patrick Green, a well-known camel authority in NSW and SA. Noore Mahomet and another Afghan were at the water hole when Knowles and another man came up. Noore Mahomet was lifting water to his face with both hands, when Knowles kicked him into the water. Noore tried to get out again but before he could do so Knowles kicked him again and then drew a revolver and shot him in the shoulder. Noore screamed loudly, calling for assistance. Some of the Afghans came running from the camp. Salaam was in front and Knowles levelled his revolver at him, but it would not go off. Salaam rushed up, pushed Knowles and seized him around the arms from behind. As he was being held, Knowles pointed his revolver at John Mahomet, who was about five yards off, and shot him in the stomach. John Mahomet fell. Another Afghan named Tory Barz sang out, "Take the revolver from him before he shoots more." Salaam thereupon seized the revolver and took it from Knowles who ran away. Some of the Afghans called out to get firearms from the camp and arrest Knowles. Sher Mahomet got a revolver and ran across in front of Knowles and said if he did not stop he would shoot him. Knowles fell down on his knees. Sher Mahomet caught him by the arm and brought him to the camp. The Afghans called out that two other Europeans were coming with firearms. One was loading while the other was carrying cartridges. Barz held up Knowles' revolver before them and said, "If you fire, I will shoot you both. One of your men has already shot two of our men. We do not want to kill if you give up your rifle." The man handed up the rifle and Barz told him to come to their camp. Barz said "I was in charge and told the Afghans to tie the men to a log until Mr. Green came." Mr. Pat Green finished the story by stating: "I was away at Balladonia Station, which belongs to the Messrs. Ponton. I returned to camp between five and six o'clock in the evening and found it a regular hospital and gaol. Two Afghans were lying wounded and three Europeans were tied to a log.
At the Albany Police Court, before Government Resident, Mr Loftie, the Hon. J.A. Wright and Mr A.Y. Hassell, M.L.A., Thomas Brandon Knowles was committed to be tried for the manslaughter of Jehan Mahomet. The trial was concluded on 8 December 1894 when, after one hour's retirement of the jury, he was acquitted. The case was declared nolle prospequi. The case was dismissed and legal proceedings terminated.
In the trial of Thomas Brandon Knowles, Noore detailed the shooting of his brother, Jehan, saying was sitting beside him when he died. He watched his brother die and saw him buried near the camp. They had all nursed John but nothing could be done to help him.
Noore Mahomet was admitted as a patient at the Albany Regional Hospital about the 19 November, where he was to undergo an operation to remove the bullet from in front of his left shoulder blade. The bullet had struck the left arm under the shoulder joint, passing under the arm and lodged in the shoulder blade at the back. According to Dr Ingoldby, who performed the operation, it was a dangerous wound on account of the structures that were injured. The main artery of the limb was injured. The injury to the artery caused it to to give way and the blood escaped into the surrounding tissues forming a traumatic aneurism. It then became necessary for a second operation for the removal of the aneurism which would likely result in the recovery of the man but Noore refused to allow the operation to be performed and left the hospital at his own request.
On Tuesday the Afghan came to the hospital asking to be re admitted and imploring the doctor to do something to relieve the agony he was suffering. By this time the aneurism had increased in size and it was seen that the unfortunate Afghan had not long to live. During the lapse of time the man was getting weaker and weaker and the aneurism was increasing rapidly and the arm was greatly inflamed. Owing to the circumstances it was found necessary to amputate the left arm in order to get at the source of the trouble , whereas had the operation been performed when the medical gentleman thought advisable, this removal of the limb would have been obviated. The operation under the skilled treatment of Dr. Ingoldby, was a success and the aneurism was taken from under the armpit, of course after the arm had been removed at the shoulder joint. The Afghan having been relieved of pain rallied somewhat but towards morning he gradually grew worse and died about 3 o’clock on 13 December. The prisoner, Knowles, who was on bail at the time, was re-arrested and charged with the murder of Noore Mahomet. On that charge, he was found not guilty.
The Afghans were resentful. Knowles was advised to travel fast and far, so he made for the furthest Territory tropics where camels die of poison weed and so are never seen there. He apparently lived a quiet life to a good old age.