Outback Graves Markers

George Thomas ROSE

Burial Location:Niagara  (details...)
Occupation: Auctioneer
Place of Death: 2.5 miles from Jessops Well
Date of Death: 01 March 1903
Date of Burial:06 March 1903
Age:31 years
Cause of Death:Heart Failure
OGM Ref#: 0832


A Inquest was held at Kookynie on 11 March 1903, into the death. It was the verdict of the Coroner's Jury that Rose died from a failure of the heart's action. The deceased had lived in Victoria for 25 years and had recently commenced business at Menzies as an auctioneer. It appears he left Menzies early in the morning on a bicycle, with the intention of riding to the Gladstone mine, near Jessop's Well, 29 miles to the north. The police believed he was overtaken by a severe storm, which passed over the Northern fields, and being of weak constitution, perished on the road. Deceased had been a resident of Menzies for about 12 months, and during nearly the whole of that lime, be was employed in the stores Branch of the Railway Construction Department. Previous to coming to Menzies, he was, for many months, in the Guildford or Midland Junction Hospital, and he was not by any means physically strong. The death was certified in writing by Charles Lamb, Undertaker, Kookynie. Witnesses to the burial were Eliza Rose and J. Neve.
Parents:Isabella (nee WATSON) and John ROSE
Spouse:Eliza TODD
Marriage Details:1894, Berchip, Victoria; Marriage Reg.No.870/1894, Malmsbury
Children:Florence Matilda, Birth Reg.No.25426/1894, W. Birch, Vic; Isabella Eliza, Birth Reg.No.17999/1896, Carlton, VIC; Edith Myrtle, Birth Reg.No.4841/1899, Collie, WA; George Thomas, Birth Reg.No.5595/1902, Mundaring, WA
Birth Details:1873, Malmsbury, Victoria; Birth Reg.No.17794/1873, Malmsbury
Death Certificate:733/1903