Outback Graves Markers

Ernest Herbert SCHAFER

Burial Location:Sandstone  (details...)
Occupation: Practised as a Doctor
Place of Death: Sandstone
Date of Death: 25 March 1912
Date of Burial:25 March 1912
Age:52 years
OGM Ref#: 1230


The deceased is buried in the Church of England portion of the cemetery, plot number 19. Some years previously, Mr Schafer had practised as a doctor around Lawlers. He died at his camp in the presence of Mr. C. Cobb, who, for some months past, had shown the sufferer much kindness and attention. Schafer came from London and was the youngest of five children, one girl and 4 boys. They were: Henry William born 1845, William Frederick born 1847, Jessie Caroline born 1848 and Edward Albert Sharpey, born 1850, who went on to become a knighted Professor whose work on the origin of life led to much acclaim amid high criticism for his claim that life would soon be produced in the laboratory. He published at least five books on physiology and anatomy and in 1913 was editor of the quarterly journal of Experimental Physiology.
Parents:Jessie (nee BROWN) and Jacob William Henry SCHAFER
Birth Details:June Quarter of 1860, Middelsex, England; Birth Reg.No. Edmonton, Vol 3a, Page 115,
Death Certificate:7/1912, Black Range
State Records Office: AU WA S2323- cons5790 1912/127 Title SCHAFER, Ernest Herbert - Sandstone.- Intestate Files