Outback Graves Markers

Male Child SAMPEY

Burial Location:Sandstone  (details...)
Place of Death: Sandstone
Date of Death: 09 September 1912
Date of Burial:09 September 1912
OGM Ref#: 1236


The child's parents were married at Black Range in 1912 (Marriage Reg.No.2/1912 Black Range). William Thomas Sampey was born in Mt Magnet in 1890 and it is believed he was the first white baby to be born there. Bill was a keen sportsman and participated in all sports but his favourite sport was boxing. For some time, he held the light weight boxing championship of the State. Bill became a baker when they moved to Meekatharra and when they moved on to Wiluna, he worked in the mines. He was fatally injured whilst working on the Moonlight Mine in Wiluna on 3 August 1942. Over 400 people attended his funeral. He left a widow and four children, siblings to this little stillborn child. They were: Thomas, born Black Range 1914, Barry T born 1926 (registration in Geraldton), William C born 1929 (birth also registered in Geraldton) and Geraldine.
Parents:Caroline J (nee TOOMEY) and William Thomas SAMPEY
Birth Details:Birth Reg.No.48/1912, Black Range
Death Certificate:13/1912, Black Range