Outback Graves Markers

Myrtle Emily May WILLIAMS

Burial Location:Sandstone  (details...)
Place of Death: Black Range Hospital
Date of Death: 06 August 1915
Date of Burial:07 August 1915
Age:8 years
Cause of Death:Injuries from a detonator
OGM Ref#: 1263


The child is buried in plot number 33 of the Church of England portion of the cemetery. Her parents were married in Swan in 1907. They had four children: Twins Myrtle and George William born 1907 at Black Range, and Emily Gertrude born 1908 at Black Range and Jack, possibly born 1910. It appears that the two children, Myrtle and Jack, found some detonators at some old workings in the vicinity of their home and, whilst playing with them, one exploded, inflicting terrible injuries to the little girl's hands and abdomen. The unfortunate child was at once taken to the hospital by Mr and Mrs O'Grady and there she received the unremitting attention of Dr. O'Brien, Matron Spaven and Nurse Latta up to the time of her death. The children's mother died at Cue in 1921 as the result of a Red Back Spider bite on the bottom while at the toilet. She is buried at Day Dawn. Her husband also died at Cue in 1941.
Parents:Matilda (nee ADOLPH) and Edward George WILLIAMS
Birth Details:Birth Reg.No.2/1907, Black Range
Death Certificate:9/1915, Black Range