Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:36-Mile Peg on Siberia Road  (details...)
Occupation: Prospector
Date of Death: 14 March 1894
Age:About 40 years
Cause of Death:Heat Exposure
OGM Ref#: 2010
Headstone:OGM Aluminium


The deceased died at the 36 mile peg on the Siberia Road and is buried ont he track to Siberia in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder district.  Logs were placed around his grave and a Bible placed on it.  The Bible lay rotting on his grave for many years.

A differ formerly of Bond Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, who died of fever from weakness and exposure to a thunderstorm on the 25-Mile road, on hisway to Coolgardie to take up a show from which he hoped to extract a fortune.  Apparently rains were very ehavy all through the 25-Mile, the 45-Mile and the 90-Mile districts, averaging over two inches.

A letter read: "Coolgardie, April 18.  Sir, In a recent issue of the "Western Mail" a notice respecting the finding of the remains of Julius Johnson appeared in which it was stated that the ... was robbed of two pounds ten shillings.  This is incorrect.   The facts are that the day after Smith and His friend left the dying man, I was on my road to the 25-Mile and of course came across Johnson.  I made tea for him and not Mssrs Smith and friend - and the money and belt were placed in the custody of the Coolgardie Police. All I have to say is that had Smith and friends shown a proper humanitarian feeling towards their fellow creature,  they would have put him in their buggy and driven him to where he could have been attended to instead of  allowing him to remain helpless upon the plain in a thunderstorm to die miserably.  John Tucker."

After examination by Police Constable Duffy and Dr Davis, he was buried on the spot which was also said to be 34 miles from Coolgardie on the Ninety Mile Road.

At the inquest, a verdict of death from natural causes was returned.

Julius' wife, Mary, was living at 38 Bond Street, Abbotsford, Melbourne, at the time of his death.  She appears to have been Danish (as there is a letter from the Danish Consulate in Melbourne asking for his Death Certificate to be sent).  She could not write English and had a friend do it for her.  She was elderly and in poor health.  Julius'  possession were sold for a total of 3 pounds 16 shillings and, hopefully, that money reached Mary.

Birth Details:Born circa 1854
State Records Office: Eastern Districts. York Sub-division. York Station. Report of the death of Julius Johnson. March 16, 1894. AU WA S76 cons430 1894/0577 Item - Part of GENERAL FILES [2]
Comments:The date of death on the police records is given as 9 March 1894.