Outback Graves Markers

Emma Maule (WOOD) WALKER

Burial Location:Kookynie  (details...)
Occupation: Nurse
Place of Death: Kookynie
Date of Death: 21 May 1910
Date of Burial:23 May 1910
Age:42 years
Cause of Death:By Self-inflicted Bullet Wound
OGM Ref#: 1965
Headstone:OGM Aluminium


The deceased had lived in South Australia for 32 years before moving to Western Australia. Her father died 18 June 1868, just two months after she was born. On 9 May 1844, he had married Agnes Davidson in Sydney.

At the Coroner's Inquest held at Kookynie on 25 May 1910, by J. Leipold, J.P. Acting Coroner, it was the verdict of the jury that the deceased died from the effect of a revolver bullet wound self-inflicted. Emma had only been married seven months before her death. Emma was known in Kookynie as Nurse Wood. She left an estate valued at £105 to her husband, William James Alexander Walker.

Parents:Agnes (nee DAVIDSON) and Benjamin Lawrence WOOD (Gentleman)
Spouse:William James Alexander WALKER
Marriage Details:October 1909, Leederville; Marriage Registration 29/1909, Leederville
Birth Details:20 April 1868, Norwood, South Australia; Birth Registration 63/141, Adelaide
Death Certificate:9/1910, North Coolgardie
State Records Office: Emma Maule Walker AU WA S59 cons3458 1910/136 Item - Part of APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION (ORIGINALS)