Outback Graves Markers

John William CAIN

Burial Location:Condon  (details...)
Occupation: Labourer
Place of Death: Royal Hotel, Condon
Date of Death: 21 February 1908
Age:21 years
Cause of Death:Heart Failure
OGM Ref#: 0967


The deceased was buried by H Pegden. Witnesses present at the burial were James Rayner and Police Constable Peter Lynch (Regimental Number 394). His death was certified in writing by his father, John Cain, of Condon. The port of Condon was established to service the pastoral leases such as DeGrey and Muccan Stations. Its population increased when gold was discovered further inland. However, by 1908, Condon was well past its heyday.
Parents:Margaret (nee ELLIS) and John CAIN (Labourer)
Birth Details:1881, Portland Bay, Victoria; Birth Registration 4731/1881, Portland Bay
Death Certificate:3/1908, Port Hedland