Outback Graves Markers

Robert KIRKPATRICK (more)

Cause of Death: Miners Lung

Alias Bob Kirk. Buried by William Kirkpatrick and JM Rowe. Witnesses present at the burial were JH Rowe and Police Constable Kennedy Andrew Donaldson (Regimental No 670). The informant of his death was William Kirkpatrick, brother, from Bronzewing. The deceased's lung problems were believed to have stemmed from leading at Broken Hill. Bob and his brother Tom were among the best known prospectors of the Erlistoun country and the district about Burtville and Duketon in 1899-1901. Their names were on a number of the strikes of the time and they were well in it at New England. His brother, William Kirkpatrick, lived in the Black Range district for many years. Bob and William were members of the prospecting party who went on the expedition to Lake Nabberu north of Wiluna on the Canning Stock Route, when Stephen Grace died after being speared by natives. The Truth Newspaper, 28 Aug 1909, reported: "Bob" Kirkpatrick, another of the men who helped "to blaze the track," pegged out his last claim suddenly a couple of weeks back up Mount Sir Samuel way. He had been in poor health for some considerable time and for months prior to his death had not been able to follow the strenuous life of old. He had made many trips in company with other well-known prospectors ... "Kirk" was only 42 when the last call came, but in his comparatively short life had crowded in a good deal of adventure."