Outback Graves Markers

Lorenzi CONTI (more)

Cause of Death:

The deceased is buried in the Roman Catholic portion of the Cue Cemetery, Location A-8-12.

Ivy Christobel Grace CUTLER (more)

Cause of Death: Pneumonia, Cardiac Failure (1 month)

The child's parents were married at Mindaroo 13 October 1899 (Marriage Registration 939/1899).  Other children born to this marriage were possibly Kenneth Lancelot born 1905;  Vera May born 1907 at Maninga Marley (Birth Registration 9/1907, East Murchison), died 21 February 1907 (Death Registration 4500023/1907, East Murchison); Herbert Edward born Sandstone 1908 (Birth Registration 21/1908, Black Range), twin to an unnamed little girl (Birth Registration 22/1908, Black Range) (Death Registration 600012/1908, Black Range); Claude born Sandstone 1912 (Birth Registration 4/1912, Black Range) died 1912 (Death Registration 3/1912, Black Range).

The story of Vera May also appears in this website.  She is buried at Maninga Marley.

Adam KING (more)

Cause of Death: Pneumonia

Adam King died at his home after a few days' illness.  He was carting wool from Coodardy Station to Cue, when he contracted a severe cold which turned to pneumonia with the fatal result.

In 1908, Adam was charged by Constable Brown, at Sandstone, with cruelty to animals, by working two horses suffering from sore shoulders.  The court ordered that the horses should not be worked for 14 days.

In January of 1908, the partnership existing between Adam King and Joseph Penna, trading as Contractors and Carters, was dissolved by mutual consent. The business was to be carried on by Adam King, who would pay all debts due by and receive all monies owing to the late firm.

Adam King is buried in the Anglican portion of the Cue Cemetery, Location B-4-3.

Mr King had resided at Jasper Hill for the previous four years, previously living at Maninga Marley and Sandstone

Mary Jane died 27 June 1945 at Maylands (Death Registration 101422/1945, Perth).  She had moved to Cottesloe after the death of her husband.

Eric James MCLERNON (more)

Cause of Death: Explosion - Severe injuries to his legs/lower parts of his torso which would have led to his death through trauma and shock within a few seconds

Mr McLernon was instantly killed by the explosion of several plugs of fracture soon after he had been lowered into a well near the mine for the purpose of laying charges for deepening the well.

His parents married in Bunbury in 1912 (Marriage Registration 6600011/1912, Wellington).  His siblings were: Luke born 1912 in Collie; Bruce Thomas born 1915 at Pinjarra; Ivor Joseph born 1917 in Pinjarra; Ruth Frances born 1921 in Pinjarra.

On 15 January 1937, a Coronial Enquiry was held into the circumstances surrounding the death of the miner named Eric McLernon who was killed on December 9th whilst working in a water shaft near Big Bell. The inquiry was heard by the district coroner, Colonel W. J. Mansbridge, and a jury comprising Messrs. E. Gill. J. Gribble and K. H. Wingrave.

Kocco Tasoni, the deceased man's workmate, described the happenings of the morning in question up to the time of the explosion, in which McLernon
was killed. He said that he lowered the deceased down the shaft to charge boreholes. McLernon took with him two tins containing plugs of dynamite
and primers. The primers each consisted of a plug, fuse and detonator. He also had an ordinary miner's lamp with an exposed flame.  A few minutes
after McLernon had reached the bottom of the shaft witness heard a shot and, looking down the shaft, he saw a cloud of smoke rising. Witness called
to his mate, but there was no answer.  He concluded that an accident had occurred and immediately left the scene of the occurrence, in order to obtain
Mr P Dorrington, who was in charge of the work, accompanied Tasoni to the shaft and made two attempts to descend, but each time he had to return on account of the fumes from the explosion. In the next attempt he managed to reach the bottom of the shaft, where he found McLernon terribly mutilated about the legs and apparently dead. The body was lying in several feet of water.
Later he examined two of the boreholes in the shaft and found that two of them had been fired, but the remaining four which McLernon had entered the shaft to charge were still empty. 
Dorrington said that the deceased might have set his lamp down close enough to inadvertently set fire to one of the fuses. The deceased would not hear the fuse burning if he was using the blowpipe to clean out other holes.
Dr. A. A. Hinchley said that death had in all probability taken place within a few seconds after the explosion. There were extensive injuries to the legs and the lower part of the trunk, which would quickly cause death through shock and haemorrhage.
After a brief retirement the jury returned a verdict of accidental death, no blame being attachable to anyone, and with this finding the coroner expressed agreement.