Outback Graves Markers

Fred (more)

Cause of Death: Run over by a wagon

This Aboriginal lay asleep in the shade under a wool wagon belonging to Bob Ilse while it was being loaded.  One of the camels moved forward and a huge wheel rolled over him.

He was buried at the back of the homestead on Yinnietharra Station.

Albert Alfred CLODE (more)

Cause of Death: Heart Failure

The deceased was walking with Messrs Coggan and Isaid at Yinnietharra Station when he suddenly collapsed and, upon examination, life was found to be extinct.  Police Constable Slater of Gascoyne Junction was notified and proceeded to Yinnietharra Station. He was buried near the homestead by Police Constable Harold Charles Slater (Regimental Number 1234), of Gascoyne Junction.  Witnesses to the burial were Robert Denby Coggan and George Isaid.

The deceased was employed at the  Mien Mine, of which Mr Coggan was manager.

It is understood that Albert Clode was a long term associate of Robert Coggan and went to Yinnietharra with him to start the mica mines.  He and Coggan were experienced mica miners from India (via London).  Coggan had an OBE.

Clode had previously been out to Western Australia during the gold rush in the 1890s and one of the places he was at was Kintore.  His wife was still in London at the time of his death and, presumably, she planned on coming to Western Australia when he had established himself.

Charles Thomas DAVIS (more)

Cause of Death: Heat Apoplexy

The deceased passed away while prospecting near Cobra Station in the Mt Augustus area.  Witnesses present at the burial were I Cornelly and Edward Duffy.  His death was certified in writing by Police Constable Edward (Regimental Number 90).

In about 1886, Charles Davis and his family came to Western Australia from South Australia, where it was thought he had been a draper in Adelaide.  Rosa Mary was only 9 years old at the time.  In Derby, Sarah leased a hotel in keeping with the Simms tradition in South Australia.  She also had a hotel at Day Dawn.  Charles had a mail run out from Derby.  He later tried his hand at prospecting.

Sarah Davis and her two daughters, Rosa and Dross, moved south to live.  They chose Barton and built a small hotel, Barton Hotel, which was opened in 1906.  Rosa Mary became Mrs Norman Harvey and her sister, Dross, became Mrs Clem Wood at a double wedding on 28 April 1910 in the Barton Hall.

Charlie GINNERCHANGO (more)

Cause of Death: Murdered by a native named Mondilya

Alias Ginnerchango or Gnathawallangalla.

Charlie. a shepherd for Gilbert Henry Rotton, was murdered by another native, named Mandilya.  Apparently Charlie had killed Toby's woman near Mt Augustus.

On 28 December 1887, Ernest Hilcke, a shepherd for pastoralist Gilbert Henry Rotton, reported the native murder to the Gascoyne Junction police.  On 5 January 1888, Police Constable Alfred Bird left to examine the body and Mondilya was arrested and taken back to the Gascoyne Junction Police Station.

The Thomas River Police Station is now known as Police Station Woolshed.

Thomas Washington HALL (more)

Cause of Death: Perished from lack of water

The deceased was buried at Morrissey Pool near Bangemall by Police Constable Thomas Binning (Regimental Number 18) of Thomas River Police Station, Yinnietharra Station.  PC Riely stated that he buried him where he found him - about 7 miles from Morrissey Pool.

It was supposed the deceased was a brother of Charles Hall, the prospector of the Kimberley goldfield.  About 12 months earlier, he arrived from the Ashburton  at Bangemall, where he was working a lode backed by William Hatch of Mongerra Station.  Hatch had recently dissolved the partnership with him as the lode was not proving to be successful.

John Augustus HORRIGAN (more)

Cause of Death: Heart Failure

Known as Jack.

The deceased was found dead in the bush.  He was found by George Burt and Dale Cullen near a pool not far from his lonely hut on the 31-Creek. 

This 6 foot, rugged bushman had been a cattle station owner and had sold out very well.  In 1885, after two years of drought on a Queensland sheep station, John Horrigan left Kyabra with Barney Lamond and his party.   Taking 35 horses and packs, they headed west.  They went prospecting on the Kimberley goldfield and then at the end of 1886, Horrigan, Lamond and Robert McPhee started butchering on the field.  They bought cattle from the Duracks at Ord River.  Horrigan then pushed on prospecting through the North West and later headed south to the Gascoyne district.

When he died, he was trying to locate an area containing tin, which he had found some years earlier on Mt Phillips Station.  According to author, Geoff Blackburn, Horrigan's Well is on the west side of 31-Creek and likely to be in Mt Phillips Station.  However, the general area is known as Yinnietharra from a prospecting/mining point of view.  The fact that Horrigan's grave is likely to be just over the other side of the fence is largely immaterial for most purposes.  At the time, Horrigan was a Yinnietharra-based prospector, prospecting around Yinnietharra.

He was found months later when his camels wandered into Bangemall and were tracked back out by a mate.  He is commemorated by  Horrigan's Well, Horrigan Pool, Horrigan Creek and possibly Horrigan Peak.

—?— PINCHER (more)

Cause of Death:

This young Aboriginal lad was buried at the back of the homestead on Yinnietharra Station.

He was the son of Charlie Mortimer, a pioneer who rode into the district with the Fitzpatrick family years before.


—?— UNKNOWN (more)

Cause of Death:

The deceased was buried close to the homestead by the Burt family.