Outback Graves Markers

Ronald James GORDON

Burial Location:Sandstone  (details...)
Place of Death: Sandstone District Hospital
Date of Death: 08 May 1909
Date of Burial:09 May 1909
Age:6 months
Cause of Death:Intussusception
OGM Ref#: 1206


The little chap died of intussusception, which is when one part of the bowel slides into the next and the flow of fluids and foods get blocked. The intestine then swells and bleeds. The first sign may be sudden with severe pain and this little chap had suffered for 28 hours before he died. The deceased is buried in the Methodist portion of the Cemetery, in plot number 2.
Parents:Florence Mary (nee BARNES) and Colin Sutherland GORDON (Miner)
Birth Details:1908, Black Range; Birth Reg.No.38/1908 Black Range
Death Certificate:5/1909, Black Range
Comments:The exact age of the deceased is not known but could possibly be a child, as there was a Ronald J GORDON born in Black Range in 1908.
His parents could be Colin Mapleton Gordon or James Alfred Gordon, both were living in Sandstone at the time. James was a storekeeper. Colin was an engineer.