Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:Cooper Creek  (details...)
Occupation: Aboriginal Drover
Place of Death: Cooper Creek, near Lake Hope Station
Date of Death: 15 November 1893
Age:23 YEARS
Cause of Death:Fractured wound to the skull
OGM Ref#: SA 0012


James Douglas Tolmer, a drover in the employ of. Mr. Tom Lawler, a contract drover on Dinner Camp, on November 15 had a few words with ' Charley, ' a black boy, and struck him with a stirrup iron on the head. Charley died next day and Tolmer rode nearly 200 miles to report and give himself up. He was remanded this morning to Port Augusta, until December 8. M.C. Dowling and party are proceeding back to the spot, which is near Lake Hope, to bring the body of 'Charley' to Hergott Springs. There was quite a public outcry when Tolmer was acquitted of the charge. The verdict of the Jury was that there was “No cause of death established”. It was reported that Charley was 25 or 26 years of age- but this has not been confirmed.

Death Certificate:215/197, Frome - dated 15 December 1893