Outback Graves Markers

George BOX

Burial Location:Condon  (details...)
Occupation: Bullock Driver
Place of Death: Condon Telegraph Depot
Date of Death: 09 August 1887
Age:25 years
OGM Ref#: 0957


The deceased's father was born in Worchester, England, in 1822. He arrived in Western Australia in 1850. He married Catherine Cherry on 15 September 1857, at York. She was born about 1835 in Ireland. Together they produced five children. George was their second. His siblings were Ellen born 5 March 1860, Emily born 1864 in Beverley, William born 1867 also in Beverley, Eliza Ann born 1871 in York. Their father, John, died in 1895 at Mourabbin (Death Registration 606/1895). Catherine Box died in 1904 at the age of 69 years. George died at the Condon Telegraph Depot and is buried in an unmarked grave in the Condon Cemetery. He was working as a bullock driver for the telegraph line contractors at the time.
Parents:Catherine (nee CHERRY) and John BOX
Birth Details:Circa 1862, Dale River; Birth Registration 6335/1862, Dale River
Death Certificate:617/1887