Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:Condon  (details...)
Occupation: Hotel Keeper
Place of Death: Condon
Date of Death: 15 January 1907
Age:43 years
Cause of Death:Bright's Disease
OGM Ref#: 0965


Also known as Nellie. On 29 August 1905, Nellie's husband died. Just 17 months later, Nellie died, leaving Ivy aged 17 years, Minnie aged 16 years, Henrietta aged 14 years, Tom aged 12 years, Emma aged 10 years and Linda aged 6 years. On the death of Sydney Illidge Hedley, there was nil in his estate. When Nellie died, she left the sum of £287 17/1 to Minnie Hedley and Robert Whiteside. In August 1907, the committee and members of the St Patrick's Day Celebration Committee, raised the sum of £56 for the benefit of the orphaned family. The Trustee of the Estate of the late Nellie Hedley, Robert Whiteside, subsequently advised that all the children were being well cared for and were in the best of health. With the assistance of other friends, he then endeavoured to get the younger members of the family adopted by friends so that as much of the money as possible would be left to assist the girl who was permanently crippled.
Parents:Catherine (nee O'Shea) and James Cunningham (Farmer)
Spouse:Sydney Illidge HEDLEY
Marriage Details:19 April 1890, Hall's Creek; Marriage Registration 145/1890, Halls Creek
Children:Ivy Ruth born 1891 in Derby; Henrietta Everill born 1892, Derby; Thomas Cunningham born 2 February 1895; Emma Sydney born 8 January 1898 in Shellborough (renamed Condon); Belinda Marris (Linda) born 1901 in Roebourne; 1 son deceased
Birth Details:20 May 1865, Newcastle (now Toodyay), Western Australia; Birth Registration 8510/1865, Toodyay
Death Certificate:2/1907, Port Hedland
State Records Office: Nellie Hedley (alias Ellen Hedley) AU WA S34 cons3403 1907/096 Item - Part of FILES - PROBATE; Sydney Illige Hedley AU WA S59 cons3458 1905/174 Item - Part of APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION (ORIGINALS); POLICE v Sydney HEDLEY. Ha