Outback Graves Markers

John Ralph KNOWLES

Burial Location:Youanmi  (details...)
Occupation: Machine Miner
Place of Death: Youanmi Gold Mine, Youanmi
Date of Death: 23 June 1941
Date of Burial:24 June 1941
Age:37 years
Cause of Death:Killed by a Fall of Stone
OGM Ref#: 1844
Headstone:OGM Aluminium


John Ralph Knowles had been employed on the Youanmi mine since 21 April. He was working in the 435 foot stope at the 400 foot level of the Pollard Shaft, commonly known as P Shaft, with a bogger and was barring down stone when a piece fell from behind and struck him.

At the inquest held to determine the circumstances of the death of Knowles, Maud Emily Hopkins, Matron in charge of the Youanmi Hospital, said she examined the deceased about 3.30 pm on June 23 and found life to lie extinct. Another examination of the dead man was made on June 24. The deceased 's nose was bruised and he had bloodstained nostrils. His neck was lacerated and he had extensive abrasions and lacerations, including large bruises on the back of the neck over the spine. The fibula of the left log was extensively fractured. The bogger working with Knowles, Mr Arthur John Hayden, said at one stage, Knowles remarked that they must clear the man-hole and they proceeded to throw boulders into the chute. They finished that and Hayden resumed bogging while Knowles went around to test the roof. He tested a piece on the near side, then tested a piece toward the centre. While testing the centre, the previous portion fell down on him and he fell into a kneeling position, pinned by the left arm and the right leg. The stone was too heavy for Hayden to lift and he called for assistance. Mr Hayden believed Mr Knowles was killed instantly. The Workmen's Inspector of Mines estimated that the stone weighed one ton. After several more witnesses were heard, the jury retired to return the following verdict: That the deceased came to his death from injuries received from a fall of stone on the 435 foot stope at the 400 foot level and that "Death was accidental, no blame being attachable to anyone."

Birth Details:Circa 1904
Death Certificate:3/1941, Black Range