Outback Graves Markers


Burial Location:Mulline  (details...)
Date of Death: 03 August 1905
Cause of Death:Murdered
OGM Ref#: 1582


Some Aborigines went to the back of the hotel in Mulline to obtain beer and one found the body of Dolly, which he promptly buried. On exhumation, it was found that death had been caused by a blunt instrument, probably a stick. "Chewing", alias "Jacob", an Aboriginal, and Dolly were last seen together by other Aboriginals and that they were having a row. "Jacob" was seen to hit her, or threaten to hit her, with a stick. There was evidence on the ground of there having been a violent struggle and there were also marks to show that "Dolly" had dragged herself several yards on her hands and knees before she died. There were the peculiar footmarks believed to belong to "Jacob", the accused round about. He wore boots but, owing to an injury, only put the toes of one of his feet on the ground when walking. Dr. McKell, who made a postmortem examination, stated that the cause of death was compression of the brain, caused by a blow on the skull. The bench committed the accused for trial at the next sessions at Kalgoorlie. After hearing the evidence, "Jacob", or "Chewing", as he was known, said he had tried to persuade Dolly to go with him but she refused. He said she had fallen on the road and hit her head and, when he found her the next morning, she was dead. He said he could not go back to Mulline because he would be speared because Dolly was not his gin. After a short retirement, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty and the accused was discharged. Mr. Cowle, Defence for the Accused, said that he had received no instructions from the Aborigines Board about what to do with the accused. His Honor said he had no power to do anything with the native except discharge him. The Crown Prosecutor : Constable Dalton says they will spear him if he goes back. His Honor replied that he could not prevent them. The Crown Prosecutor said that he would see Mr. Princep, the Aborigines protector. The man did not want to go out to Mulline again. Chewing then left the court in company with a constable.

Death Certificate:Unidentified
State Records Office: Commissioner of Police. "Chewing" alias "Jack" charged with murder of "Cowa", alias "Dolly" near Mulline AU WA S3005 cons255 1905/0407 Item 1905-08-07 - 1905-10-19 Part of FILES - CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINES